King Street - 59th Terrace to Johnson Drive
Name: King Street - 59th Terrace to Johnson Drive
Date Updated: 10-01-2024
Contact: Riley McMullin, P.E.
Project Status: Design
Description: The King Street Reconstruction Project – 59th Terrace to Johnson Drive is included in the City’s Capital Improvement Program for construction in 2024 and has been approved for partial funding through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. This project will include full removal and replacement of pavement, new curb and sidewalk, storm drainage improvements, ADA crossings at intersections, signage, pavement markings, and street lighting.
Status Details: Construction is underway with an estimated completion date of 11/15.
Contact Phone: 913-742-6224
Contact Email:
This Is a City Project:
Number: 3584
This Is a Capital Improvement Project:
Project Category: Street Improvements
Design Firm: Walter P. Moore
Construction Contract: Linaweaver Construction
Inspection Firm: Benesch
Start Date: 08-28-2024
Estimated End Date: 11-30-2024
Budget Information
As of Oct 2 2024
Current Budget $956,800.00
Current Commitments $753,424.05
Paid-to-Date $105,076.00
Percentage Paid 13%
Project Files
File Name
2024-06-26_King St_Final Plans.pdf
Project Images
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