Johnson Drive Streetscape Improvements
Name: Johnson Drive Streetscape Improvements
Date Updated: 10-01-2024
Contact: Riley McMullin, P.E.
Project Status: Design
Description: The goal of this project is to improve the downtown streetscape along Johnson Drive from Nieman to Barton  and provide a more inclusive and inviting "plaza" to better host downtown events while promoting a safe, walkable downtown and healthy lifestyles.
Status Details: Final plans have been approved by Council. Bidding for the project began on 9/17 and bids will be due on 10/16
Contact Phone: 913-742-6224
Contact Email:
This Is a City Project:
Number: 3590
This Is a Capital Improvement Project:
Project Category: Street Improvements
Design Firm: GBA
Construction Contract: TBD
Inspection Firm: TBD
Start Date: 01-22-2024
Estimated End Date: 05-30-2025
Budget Information
As of Oct 2 2024
Current Budget $860,000.00
Current Commitments $112,610.00
Paid-to-Date $84,436.00
Percentage Paid 74%
Project Files
File Name
3590_Johnson Dr Streetscape Improvements_Final Plans.pdf
Project Images
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