Garrett Park Improvements
Name: Garrett Park Improvements
Date Updated: 10-01-2024
Contact: Riley McMullin, P.E.
Project Status: Design
Description: Design of improvements to Garrett Park, including updated playground equipment, upgrading of ball field fences and backstop, upgrades to the basketball court, improvements to the trail and restroom for ADA accessibility, updated sitework around the shelter, and restoration of the historical structure.
Status Details: This project is currently in currently under design. Design is expected to be completed in Fall 2024 with construction to start in the winter.
Contact Phone: 913-742-6224
Contact Email:
This Is a City Project:
Number: 3564
This Is a Capital Improvement Project:
Project Category: Parks & Facilities
Design Firm: Vireo
Construction Contract: TBD
Inspection Firm: TBD
Start Date: 03-25-2024
Estimated End Date: 06-02-2025
Budget Information
As of Oct 2 2024
Current Budget $3,848,000.00
Current Commitments $394,992.37
Paid-to-Date $50,532.00
Percentage Paid 12%
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