Johnson Drive and Quivira Road - Signal Replacement
Name: Johnson Drive and Quivira Road - Signal Replacement
Date Updated: 10-01-2024
Contact: Ybairy Duin
Project Status: Pending City Council Approval
Description: The existing traffic signal at the intersection of Johnson Drive and Quivira Road is nearing the end of its functional life and needs to be replaced with a new traffic signal. The new traffic signal will include the following items at a minimum: traffic control cabinet, signal uprights and mast arms, traffic signal and pedestrian heads, cable and conduit system, fiber interconnect, and ADA compliant curb ramps.  The existing signal will remain operational throughout construction and will be removed once construction of the new traffic signal is complete.  Geometric improvements at the intersection are not anticipated at this time.  
Status Details: We are in the process of selecting a Consulting Firm for the design phase of this project. The anticipated schedule is the following:

- Design Notice to Proceed: October, 2024
- Preliminary Plans: February, 2025
- Final Plans: April, 2025
- Bid Opening: May, 2025
- Construction Notice to Proceed: June, 2025
- Substantial Completion: September, 2025
Contact Phone: 913-742-6227
Contact Email:
This Is a City Project:
Number: 3607
This Is a Capital Improvement Project:
Project Category: Traffic Signalization
Design Firm: TBD
Construction Contract: TBD
Inspection Firm: TBD
Start Date: 10-15-2024
Estimated End Date: 09-30-2024
Budget Information
As of Oct 2 2024
Current Budget $450,000.00
Current Commitments $0.00
Paid-to-Date $0.00
Percentage Paid 0%
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