Cedarhurst of Shawnee - 6920 Lackman Road
Name Cedarhurst of Shawnee - 6920 Lackman Road
Date Updated 08-06-2024
Contact Mark Zielsdorf
Project Status Approved
Description PUD24-01; To consider a rezoning from the Agricultural (AG) Zoning District to Planned Unit Development Mixed Residential (PUDMR) Zoning District for property located at 6920 Lackman Road.
Status Details This project was recommended for approval at the Monday, June 17, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting.

City Council approved this project at the July 8, 2024 at 6:00pm in the Council Chambers.
Contact Phone 913-742-6221
Contact Email mzielsdorf@cityofshawnee.org
This Is a City Project
Project Files
File Name
Cedarhurst of Shawnee Project Narrative.pdf
Cedarhurst of Shawnee PUD - Staff Report.pdf
Cedarhurst PDP - Site Plan.pdf
Dover Development.jpg
PUD24-01 Notice.pdf
Project Images
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