80th Street Construction Project, Millridge Street to Woodland Road
Name: 80th Street Construction Project, Millridge Street to Woodland Road
Date Updated: 11-18-2024
Contact: Ybairy Duin
Project Status: Construction
Description: This project will provide new pavement, curb, sidewalk, storm drainage improvements, ADA crossings at intersections, signing, street lighting, street trees, and pavement markings.  Construction will begin in 2024 with the first 1,326 lineal feet (Phase 1) of construction being completed by December 31, 2024.  All remaining construction for 80th Street between Millridge and Woodland Road (Phase 2) will be completed by December 31, 2026 per the requirements of the Hickok-Zarah Improvement District agreement.
Status Details: Phase I is approaching completion. All the storm drainage features are installed, asphalt has been placed, sidewalks have been poured, streetlights have been erected, the majority of the area has been sodded and seeded.

Phase II has also advanced in construction and is anticipated to be completed on time.
Contact Phone: 913-742-6227
Contact Email: yduin@cityofshawnee.org
This Is a City Project:
Number: 3586
This Is a Capital Improvement Project:
Project Category: Street Improvements
Design Firm: Schlagel & Associates, P.A. (Schlagel)
Construction Contract: Seal-O-Matic
Inspection Firm: BHC Rhodes
Start Date: 10-09-2023
Estimated End Date: 12-31-2026
Project Files
File Name
80th Street_Final Plans.pdf
Project Images
File Name
80th Street Project.jpg