Property Check
Submit a Property Check Request
Property Info
Start date:
End date:
Reason For Request:
Out Of Town
Suspicious Activity
First Name of Resident:
Last Name of Resident
Property Address:
Zip Code:
Property Phone Number:
Resident/Owner Phone Number:
Your Email Address:
Are you the resident of the above property?
List anyone who is authorized to be on the property:
Emergency Contacts
You must have at least one emergency contact. Click the plus button below to add more.
Does this person have a key to the residence?
Full Name
Phone number
Add another emergency contact
Authorized vehicles
If there are any vehicles authorized to be on the property click the plus btn below to start adding them.
Add an authorized vehicle
Remaining Info
Will any interior lights be left on?
List any lights on timers:
Select any animals on the property:
Please list the company name and phone number of any maintenance persons (ie. lawn service/home repair) that will be on the property:
Do you have any additional notes?
Property Check Request Info
After you submit this form a request will be sent to the Shawnee Police Department Patrol Division. Once we have confirmed your request, either by phone or email, your address will be assigned to the respective police district. As calls for service allow, the district officer will stop by to check your residence or business, either visually as they drive by or else physically by walking around the perimeter and checking doors and windows. Should a problem arise, we’ll have the information to contact you or another responsible party.
Important Information
If you should return early or no longer need the property check, contact Police Dispatch at (913) 631-2150 so we can remove your request.
Our goal is for property checks to be reviewed within 48 hours of submission, however; they may be delayed if submitted on weekends or holidays.
Property checks are only accepted for properties where the tenant or resident has knowledge of the property check request.
Requests for property checks at specific times cannot be honored. Checks are done as the district officer’s schedule allows.
If your feel your property needs to be physically checked, please state this in the additional notes section of this form, along with reasons a physical check is needed.
Property checks can only last up to 30 days. To renew a property check you must submit a new request.
Submit Form
Property check requests must be reviewed before they are activated. You will receive an email when your request has been reviewed.
I accept and have read all of the important information.